Monday, July 14, 2008

Kenny's Corral

On Saturday, Dale took Caroline to Kenny's Corral where Hearts and Hooves was having a thank you picnic. Hearts and Hooves is that organization where a few of their miniature horses were attacked by pit bulls. They live right by my paren'ts house. They had money left over so they hosted a big picnic and people brought canned food to benefit the South Plains Food Bank. Caroline loved seeing the animals!

This was the first time Caroline really saw camels...she laughs every time we say the word "camel" now!

Western Day

At Caroline's school, every week in the summer is a different theme. Last week was Western week and they dressed in "western duds" on Tuesday. CoCo made this bandana skirt for Caroline, and made hair bows and a hat band out of the same material. She wouldn't wear her little cowboy on the way into school, but by the time I picked her up she wouldn't take it off!!

Zoe and Caroline

We had a great afternoon with Jace, Cyndi and Zoe.

Caroline kept getting in Zoe's face and waiving at her.

CoCo and her granddaughters.

Caroline loved Zoe's toys...why do we spend good money on fancy toddler toys...these darn links did the trick!!

Caroline laid next to Zoe on the floor and started to imitate every move she would made.

Caroline tried to hold Zoe, but Zoe didn't seem to like it too much!

She obviously still fits in her old Bumbo chair!! She kept saying "my chair" and sitting in it...poor Zoe couldn't even have her own chair!!

Waiting on Zoe

We told Caroline on Sunday morning when we got up that baby Zoe was going to be coming, so she was looking out for her all morning. To pass the time we played outside and went to the park...the same park that Jace and I played at when we were kids.

Caroline made some friends at Granny's house.

Ok...any of you who know my "issue" with birds (really, anything with a beak) know that I was all the way on the other side of the park while they were feeding the ducks. Caroline kept looking at me like "why aren't you over here mom..." and I kept yelling back "I'm just saving your spot at the slide." There weren't any other kids at the park, but she's two so that sounded a lot better than saying "Mommy is terrified that those ducks are going to peck her feet!!!"

This was Jace's favorite thing to play on at the park when we were kids.

Speeding Ticket...REALLY???

We went to Iowa Park (little town outside of Wichita Falls) on the 5th because my brother Jace and his wife Cyndi and baby Zoe were driving through on their way back home to Houston from Oklahoma City. Since Caroline and Zoe had never met, we decided to go to IP and stay with my grandparents so we could at least see them for lunch. On the way to IP, Caroline got sick in the car...really sick...I didn't know that I would be so squeamish around throw up - but I AM!!! Thank God CoCo was there with me, or I would have left a car seat and clothes on the side of the road!! Anyway...after the getting sick incident, we were almost to IP so we threw Caroline back in the car (after getting her naked on the side of the road and trying to clean her off with a bottle of water and a extra T-shirt CoCo had in her bag) and I just took off. Sure enough, next thing I know there are lights behind me! Caroline continued to vomit while the police officer came to the car and gave me a ticket...even a puking kid couldn't get me out of that one! The only other ticket I have ever gotten was coming home from my Granny and Pa Pa's house in IP, so I told them that I may never come back!!!

4th on Broadway

Every year we take the girls to the 4th on Broadway parade (I must admit...I'm a dork...I LOVE parades). This was the first year I can think of that the WHOLE family was together for the parade. We had me, Dale, Caroline, Shanna, Mike, Becca, Jimbo, CoCo, Nana and Grampy Steve all sitting together! The girls really enjoyed the parade and then we hung out at the street fair for a few minutes. Caroline had no desire to stand in line for any of the kiddie stuff, all she wanted to do is listen to music!

Caroline fell in love with some puppies that were being sold at the parade!

My little brother drives a Scion like this one and we have always kind of made fun of it (ok, really made fun of it) so this picture was for him!

Caroline is kind of obsessed with jumping right of everything!!

We were going to go down to Mackenzie Park for fireworks, but Caroline crashed out on the way to One Guy for dinner and we couldn't wake her up! She was a just a we went home instead...I guess that is life with a 2 year old!!! Happy 4th!

4th of July Party

We went to a big party on the 3rd with my parents. The people hosting the party go to my dad's church and there were TONS of people there. There was supposed to be a band and a F1 Bomber fly-over, but the band and the fly-over had to be cancelled because of the rain. We had good food and there were clowns and people doing baloon animals for the kids, and once the rain let up it was nice to just sit and relax! Once it was dark, they had a 90 minute firework was one of the best I have ever seen!

Caroline was concerned that we weren't going to be able to go to the "picnic" because of the rain!

But we made it!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Year with Frog & Toad

On Friday we had a Girl's Night Out to go see A Year with Frog & Toad. Me, Caroline, Shanna, Becca, CoCo & Nana all went. The girls really enjoyed the musical and Caroline actually stayed interested in it throughout the whole two acts! I always knew Caroline was a huge drama queen...I just didn't know she would also appreciate drama!!

Floatin' the River

On the weekend after CoCo's birthday, we all went to New Braunfels to float the river. Aunt Shannon's boyfriend (Lawrence) and Jace and Cyndi all met us there so there were 8 of us all together. We got to spend some good time with Jace and Cyndi, but most importantly with Zoe! She is getting soooo cute and really responsive! She smiles and coos and laughs - what fun!!

Happy 50th CoCo!!!

CoCo celebrated her 50th birthday on June 19th! Aunt Shannon came in to Lubbock from New York and they were all able to spend a little bit of time with Pop! Caroline loved getting to know her Aunt Shannon (or Aunt Shana-na-na-nan) as she would say.