Monday, April 13, 2009

The Tooth Fairy

Well....Caroline had her tooth removed, and it was definitely split in two all the way up to the root.  It was pretty gross!!!  They gave her some meds to get her all loopy before she went back to get the tooth removed and it was hilarious!!  She couldn't move her head and was just giggling and couldn't walk.  I took a little video of it but I'm not going to put it on here cause of that recent YouTube outrage about the dad who put loopy dentist kiddo video up (if you know what I'm talking about...if not, I probably sound crazy).  The tooth fairy visited her, and she insisted the night before that the tooth fairy brings "two monies", which means 2 quarters in Caroline talk.  The tooth fairy is pretty cheap:)


Jennifer K said...

I can't believe she has "lost" a tooth! I am sure she has a precious little grin. Can't wait to see it!

Davis Family said...

I think you should totally put the video on here! And tooth fairies should be cheap...wait until she is old enough to find out how much other kids get for their teeth...I mean c'mon we should have a standard amount across the board...$20 for a tooth is madness! Anywhooooo... ;-)

PrEsToNs said...

how precious is she! C. has the such a fun personality! WHen are ya'll coming over to play???